Our Duties & Health and Safety

The safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults in the club is a primary concern for Leaps & Bounds Gymnastics Club. If any of our members or parents/guardians have any welfare concerns, they should contact our Club Welfare Officer. Our Welfare Officer will investigate any welfare concerns and work to implement suitable resolutions. In order to effectively investigate and resolve welfare issues, parents/guardians are expected to maintain confidentiality around any welfare investigations. The contact details of our Welfare Officer are permanently displayed on the noticeboard next to the hall entrance and can be found here

Child Protection

We are committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of our members, coaches, volunteers and parents. We will do this by:
• Adopting the British Gymnastics Health, Safety and Welfare guidelines
• Adopting the British Gymnastic Safeguarding Children – Safe Environment guidelines
• Appointing a Welfare Officer to whom grievances and complaints can be made confidentially.
• Ensuring the staff are suitably trained in safeguarding children and go through the British Gymnastics enhanced DBS screening
• Ensuring that grievances or complaints are dealt with promptly and in accordance with the grievance procedure
• Ensuring that a minimum of two responsible adults are available at all training sessions
• Ensuring that participants and/or parents are aware of the policy for videoing, filming or photography during training.
• Having zero tolerance level for poor practice, bullying or any form of abuse

Duty of care

Our coaches take on certain responsibilities while your child is in our care. These may include:
• Holding the responsibility for care and well-being during training
• Safe dispersal after training
• Providing first aid
• Providing/consenting to emergency medical treatment
• Chaperoning
Our Duty of Care starts from the time your child is delivered to the coach and lasts until your child is returned to a parent or other responsible adult appointed by yourself. Under no circumstances should children be dropped off/picked up for sessions in the car park.
Please note that parents are responsible for ensuring the appropriate behaviour and safety of any children not taking part in gymnastics and Leaps and bounds will accept no liability for damage caused by or injury caused to non members.


We do not publish any images or videos without written consent from the gymnast concerned (or in the case of a child from their parent or guardian). This is gained as part of our registration process. Personal information of the individual, other than their club/class/ skill performed will not accompany the image. It is against British gymnastics, and our club rules for parents to take images in the gym as there are other gymnasts on site whose parents may have not consented to images of them being taken


In case of a fire or other emergency gymnasts participating in a session will be evacuated by their coach (under no circumstance must a parent evacuate their child under the responsibility of a coach). Parents and children under their supervision must evacuate the building and assemble at the fire assembly points in the carpark/ behind the hall. If you wish to take your child home we must be informed before you do as we will be taking a register to ensure all gymnasts have left the building, taking your child without notifying us will lead to the need to re enter the building and could endanger lives.